This week’s pilot for One Offs takes Dave and Steve into familiar territory with Season 4, Episode 10 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Listen as they boldly go where millions of people have gone before through a discussion of holodecks, Christmas episodes, and Bond girls. According to Netflix, in this week’s episode “Bashir is enjoying a holosuit program that casts him as a super suave, 1960s Earth secret agent when Garak intrudes on his fantasy.”
- “Our Man Bashir” is available on Netflix or iTunes.
- Netflix suggests that ‘Our Man Bashir’ is the ninth episode of the season, because it is a liar.
- Dave worries about his fantasies becoming reality.
- Steve and Dave give a shoutout to the unsung hero of the Trek-verse: Reginald Barclay.
- Steve and Dave forget what century it is.
- This episode says a lot more about Dave and Steve than it does about Star Trek.
- Is Netflix ruining Christmas episodes?
- Mona Luvsit is the height of subtly in comparison to some of the actual Bond girl names. See: Molly Warmflesh or Holly Goodhead.
- It seems absolutely ridiculous to use the term “James Bond nerds”. Is nothing sacred anymore, Steve?
- Dave thinks television shows should be a little more conversation, a little less action please.
- Steve doesn’t seem to have the courage of his convictions.
- In case anyone had any doubts, Steve was a young nerd.

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