Episode 11, ‘Did she know Harry was a Horcrux the whole time?’, on Harry Potter
In this episode, Dave and Steven discuss J.K. Rowling’s famous book series. They discuss her storytelling, writing style, and of course, the wonderful characters she created.
Show Notes
- Intro Clip: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II
- Dave and Steve forgot that The Prisoner of Azkaban breaks the now familiar opening of the first two; Dave and Steve incorrectly say “Voldemort” multiple times, not knowing that JK Rowling decided that it is a silent ‘T’. They don’t feel bad about it.
- Does Steve mispronounce multiple characters names throughout this episode? Probably.
- Harry Potter: Surprise Christmas Classics?
- Dave shows his fear of Lord Voldemort by using the “He Who Must Not Be Named” title.
- The slow build of Harry’s battles with the various versions of Lord Voldemort.
- No offer left behind: story- and world-building with JK Rowling.
- Question: How awesome is Dumbledore? Answer: Awesome.
- Steve and Dave struggle with their Latin pronunciation.
- How important is luck in the wizarding world (Or, at least, in Harry Potter’s world)?
- Steven continues his trend of disliking child actors far more than is probably reasonable.
- A little less conversation, a little more action please? No. Not at all. The talky-talk is important and fascinating.
- Steven comes dangerously close to replicating the Architect’s ‘problem of choice’ speech from The Matrix: Reloaded.
- The ever present threat of death that arises out of the end of Book IV

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