Episode 27, ‘I understand why people don’t like Sandra Bullock’, on Julia Roberts
Dave and Steve move onto their next actor profile. While the episode is ostensibly focused on Julia Roberts, they spend almost as much time talking about Sandra Bullock. Since Steven can’t tell them apart, it’s a win-win situation.
- Intro Clip: Mona Lisa Smile.
- Steve says something racist. He doesn’t say it in a racist way, though.
- Dave, who is an avid follower of the Independent Spirit Awards, recalls that Julia Roberts “maybe even got nominated for” Mystic Pizza.
- Will Dave ever shut up about how great Anne Hathaway is?
- Are the dreams of Julia Roberts alive in Portland?
- Dave slips in a dig against Scent of a Woman
- Dave builds a nice little sandcastle and Steven kicks it over like a bully.
- Steve confuses the words “beautiful” and “sexy”.
- “Pygmalion-ed”.
- There’s a joke somewhere in here about Steven and hitting puberty late, but we don’t bother with the low-hanging fruit.
- Dave didn’t mean for Steve to feel like this.
- The conversation briefly devolves into something uncomfortable.
- Does anyone else think “The Ocean’s Movies” is a weird way to describe those films?
- There are some who might consider “casual woman” to be an insult.
- Steve makes a poor comparison. Dave corrects him.
- This is what Dave means when I says “real person”.
- “Super educated” is a fun descriptor.
- Nobody needs to see Mona Lisa Smile after this podcast, because Dave gives us the entire film.
- At last, our long national nightmare is over as Dave’s Netflix rating system is made clear.
- In this episode, Steven forgets the name of almost every single actor that he tries to reference. Maybe life is just something that Steven does while he stalls for a character’s name.
- Dave mentions the movie that shall not be named. We here at The Style Guide apologize to anyone who was unprepared for that reference.
- The upcoming Jungle Book is a terrible idea and a pox on all those who disagree.
- “Michelle Pfeiffer” is easy to say and almost impossible to spell.
- “Patriarchal” is the opposite.
- Steve concludes the episode by going off the rails, but something wonderful comes about because of it.

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