Episode 31, ‘The Matrix Generation’, on Director’s Commentaries?
Steven is still away, so Dave sits down with Missie Peters to discuss one of her favourite things: Director’s Commentaries.
- Intro Clip: Hot Fuzz Commentary.
- Okay, Dave and Missie are married. We get it.
- Dave claims he can’t remember his first commentary, and then remembers the first time he watched a Director’s Commentary.
- Dave and Missie briefly discuss DVD’s and there impact on Director’s Commentaries
- Firefly comes up, of course it does. They both love Firefly too much for it to not come up.
- Dave explains why he likes Pan’s Labyrinth’s Commentary. It’s mostly because of circles.
- Missie says something smart.
- Dave says something obvious.
- Dave disses Judd Apatow… more than necessary.
- Missie points out that different directors direct differently.
- Missie redeems Judd Apatow… a little.
- The idea of Actor’s Commentaries comes up.
- Missie says more smart things.
- Dave says something stupid while pointing out that commentaries are commentating.
- Missie turns Dave’s stupid statement into a smart one.
- Firefly comes up again.
- More scholars should watch movies.
- Missie gives sound engineers the credit they deserve.
- Missie raises the topic of streaming, and what’s replacing Director’s Commentaries.
- Missie likes Every Frame a Painting, and other YouTube commenters.
- The future of commentary is not from the director.
- Director’s Commentaries aren’t dead yet. Dave and Missie just don’t own a BlueRay Player
- How popular are Director’s Commentaries anyway?
- Dave asks “Are Director’s Commentaries the best way to get the director’s insight?”
- Dave comes up with a bad idea for what could replace Director’s Commentaries.
- Belated Media comes up. Obviously.
- Dave manages to sneak in a reference to Runaway Jury
- Peter Jackson thought the Hobbit was going to be good.
- Shia LaBeouf watching his movies
- Are Director’s Commentaries going to continue?
- “We are the Matrix Generation” – Missie Peters’ Directors Commentary Poem

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