Episode 40, ‘I will never speak to you again. I hate you.’, on Canons
In this week’s episode, Dave and Steve get into what it means for a work to be ‘canonical’ and why it even matters.
- Intro Clip: Canon in D – Johann Pachelbel.
- Spelling is hard.
- Dave and Steve bring their C-Game to this episode.
- This episode brought to you in part by the Wikipedia page on “canons”.
- For a helpful primer on the Bible, see the work by renowned scholar Dan Brown.
- Is Moby Dick technically in pop culture yet or do we have to wait for Zach Snyder’s take on it?
- Steve’s education is 8 inches long. And it’s thick too.
- Hey Steve, line is “I am a leaf on the wind” not “I am a mote on the wind”.
- Dune reference!
- Nesting a list orally is not for the faint of heart — or Steven, apparently.
- If ever there was a story just waiting for a summer blockbuster to be made about it, the Metre Convention of 1875 is it.
- As is to be expected, Dave throws himself headfirst into long-standing literary theory debates.
- Dave shows off his knowledge of political philosophers.
- From Plato’s Republic to Star Wars in two simple steps.
- Is “canon” the new “literally“?
- The voice Steve puts on when he’s making fun of himself has a strange quality to it, no?
- Dave is still angry about the blatant racism that the American publishers of Harry Potter have shown towards philosophers.
- Steve says “so what?” a lot.
- “Fandom is Broken” by Devin Faraci (and his thoughtful follow-up piece, “Yes, Disney Should Have a Queer Princess”).
- Dave refuses to mention Anglicans or the Eastern Orthodoxy.
- Fandom, religion, and the pursuit of truth.
- Steve stretches the limits of the word “interesting”.
- Dave hurts Steve’s feelings.

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