Episode 46, ‘It’s good when it works’, on Edgar Allan Poe
Once upon a Monday mellow, as I podcast, young and yellow
About an author and his life’s work fine and fair
While I Skyped, tamely talking, saying nothing that was shocking
I found myself gently rocking, rocking in my office chair
“Tis my way,” I tweeted, “talking in my office chair–
The Style Guide, with all its flair!”
- Intro Clip: Vince Price reading The Tell-Tale Heart.
- Steve doesn’t know what words mean.
- What, precisely, is so funny about rabies, guys?
- Dave reads some Poe in his dramatic Poe-voice.
- Steve gets in a dig at academics. It’s about as hilarious as you’d expect.
- Steve loves Republic of Doyle.
- Steve says “Rue Morgue”. It goes better than you’d expect.
- The Cask of Armadillo
- Madman, Dave?
- Steve suggests that a Poe story isn’t a Poe story.
- Shoutout to Great Canadian Actor, Ryan Reynolds.
- Poe was definitely known for writing “bad dudes”.
- Steve doesn’t know anything about opium.
- Dave misreads The Fall of the House of Usher and Steve spends five minutes trying to justify it.
- Steve, with all his life experience, talks about what is common in marriage.
- Dave is confused about the differences between 1847 and 1353.
- “Poe’s poetry” sounds funny.
- Steve plays armchair psychiatrist to Poe. You’re not a doctor yet, Steve.
- Dave briefly commits the Sin of Lovecraft while criticizing Lovecraft.
- “Pieces of Poe” also sounds funny.
- This is not a Poe story.
- Steve spoils a short story from 1902. He also says “dollars” instead of
“pounds” like a rube. - Steve is one step away from calmly calling everyone who drinks “squares”.
- Edgar Allan Poe: Live at The Improv
- No, seriously. Why do you guys keep laughing about rabies?
- Steve desperately attempts to shoehorn a potential episode title into the last 30 seconds. It does not work.

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