Episode 47, ‘I watch Saw for the articles’, on the Halloween series
Naturally following upon their pre-Halloween Spooktacular, this week Dave and Steve do an on-Halloween Spooktacular. This time they explore John Carpenter’s Halloween franchise and the twists the series takes before finally arriving at the two recent Rob Zombie remakes. Keep in mind that Dave feels the need to vividly describe some of the scenes, in case you wanted to be horrified without ever seeing the films. It’s fun for the whole family absolutely no families whatsoever.
- Intro Clip: Halloween.
- There are times when Steve is good at thinking on the spot and coming up with creative and clever things to say. The start of this episode is not one of those times.
- Mike Myers was 15 years old when Halloween came out.
- You ever think this podcast is just Dave and Steve angling for membership in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences?
- At one point, Dave whispers “have sex” — and Steve suggests that nobody was having sex in 1978. It is about as weird as it sounds.
- John Carpenter’s original inspiration for Halloween was Keanu Reeves’ character in John Wick.
- Steve suggests that Donald Pleasence, who was nominated for four Tony Awards, was a failed actor. Four Tonys, Steve. FOUR.
- Steve unfairly questions the parenting decisions of the Doyles.
- For more on the mastery of Carpenter’s use of music, check out Mark’s thoughts on the matter. Unlike Dave and Steve, who are terrified neophytes to the genre, Mark has been at this for quite a few years and it shows.
- Dave pants heavily.
- Dean Cundey was the director of photography for Halloween II and the cinematographer for Back to the Future Part II.
- Dave misremembers something and Steve feels superior.
- Then, as it turns out, Steven immediately misremembers the significance of Michael Myers’ mask in the later films.
- The editor would like to take a moment to sincerely thank Steve for including a quote that has three swears in three seconds. Nothing like trying to edit that out to keep the podcast family friendly.
- Then Dave and Steve go on to make that comment necessary for understanding the next ten minutes of discussion, making it impossible to outright cut. Thanks team.
- Roger Ebert’s review of Halloween, Halloween II, Halloween III. He would not go on to review the rest of the franchise.
- Does Dave say “brokeded”?
- Halloween III is the Cabin in the Woods of its time.
- Dave and Steve disagree about the number of times Michael Hunsaker and Stacey Nelkin of YouTube relationship advice “fame” have sex before he asks how old she is.
- Rather than letting the podcast end, Steve gives us the first draft of a paper.

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