Episode 48, ‘Look at me. I exist.’, on Political Advertising
This week, Dave and Steve say farewell — and good riddance — to the American presidential election by talking about the last couple years of political advertising. Spoiler alert: there are no spoilers in this episode. Expect maybe existential spoilers.
- Intro Clip: I Like Ike.
- Dave isn’t nervous about today’s episode, he’s synonyms for nervous about today’s episode.
- Depending on when you start counting — and including today — the American election campaign has been going for 614 days. That is when the first candidate formally announced his candidacy to run for the presidential nomination. No, nobody knows who Mark Everson is. Not even Steve, even if he pretends that he does.
- Dave isn’t being racist when he talks about “coloured posters”.
- Dave and Steve insist that they’re going to focus on the form and style of campaign ads — and not about politics. Guess how well that goes?
- Steve struggles to name a brand of truck.
- Steve says “watch the game” as if he understands anything at all about sports.
- This entire episode should probably be understood in relation to the fact that Dave and Steve have clearly never seen Mad Men. That being said, Dave is such a Miranda.
- As we’ve all come to expect, Dave goes on an extended rant about the death of truth.
- Steve makes up an ad where Barack Obama plays basketball. It’s unclear why.
- Shoutout to Patrick Baynham, best known for his roles in Elf and White Chicks.
- Steve struggles to name a brand of alcohol.
- Much to the chagrin of third-party candidates, Dave and Steve talk about American elections as being a two-sided debate.
- Steve feels bad for Kentucky celebrity physician, Rand Paul.
- Dave spoils who he’s going to vote for in the American election.
- Dave lays a trap, but Steve spent too many years playing Pitfall! to fall for it.
- Bill Burr is not “just a comedian”, Dave. He’s a national treasure.
- Dave’s favorite political ad of the season is a joke; and Steve’s favorite ad involves football.
- Steve mistakenly suggests that Marco Rubio is a human being when he is, in fact, a robot.
- Dave wants to Make Advertising Fun Again. #MAFA
- Here is a series of ads that Dave and Steve talk about: “The Trudeau hair ad”; “Trudeau’s ready”; the one that Steve remembered as Scarlett Johansson endorsing Clinton, but was really more of a generic “everyone should vote. PS: Trump is scary” endorsement; “This is our tour bus”; “a five minute Bernie ad”; “Rand Paul, whoever the heck that guy is”; “Mae Wiggins attack on Trump”; Donald Trump, “a leader”; “Hillary Clinton’s a wizard”; “Trudeau’s escalator”; “The Interview”.

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