This week’s One Off is all about showing you how the sausage gets made, where the sausage is Dave and Steve’s creative processes. To get there, they watched Abstract: The Art of Design Season 1, Episode 6, ‘Paula Scher: Graphic Design’. Hold onto your pocket protectors, because it’s about to get awfully nerdy up in here.
According to Netflix’s summary, this is “Graphic designer Paula Scher paints with words, developing the visual language of iconic brands and institutions around the world.”
- ‘Paula Scher: Graphic Design’ is available on Netflix.
- Dave struggles to say the episode title.
- Maybe Dave and Steve’s next podcast will be entirely framed around trying to read each other’s minds.
- Dave did a TEDx talk?
- Steve pumps Dave’s tires.
- Apparently Dave’s been seeing other podcasts.
- Much like small dogs, Dave and Steve understand what a door does, but they don’t seem to understand how to operate them.
- Steve wishes he was Aaron Sorkin.
- What margins does Steve use for his papers? What margins does Steve want his students to use for their papers? Answers to these enthralling questions and more await you, Constant Listener.
- As it turns out, Dave is not a bath-man.
- This podcast brought to you by Apple.
- The correct answer to, “Which version of Helvetica Neue do you prefer?” is “Stuff it, nerds”.
- Get thee to a topiary!
- Steve does his best to right the ship…
- … and fails.
- <Insert another plug for something else that Dave does>
- On top of everything, Steve is a fountain pen junkie. Because of course he is.
- Dave seems like he is going to tell a story about the Red Light District.
- He does not.
- Dave really has internalized the Fields Notes slogan.

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