Episode 52, ‘We’re people too’, Part II of Robots, Cyborgs, and Artificial Intelligence
This week, Dave and Steve continue their exploration of machines in fiction by delving into their use as villains and antagonists. Listen in as the duo comes down pretty hard on the human race in a futile attempt to be spared when the singularity occurs. At least Skynet will feel guilty when they find out that Dave and Steve tried to argue their case. You know, if Skynet felt guilt.
- Intro Clip: Virtuosity.
- If you came for an in depth discussion of 1995’s Virtuosity, starring Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe, you will be disappointed.
- Steve and Dave’s next project will be The Child Guide where they talk exclusively about parenting styles.
- Dave brings up that ol’ robot classic Jurassic Park.
- Dave drops some Sam Harris.
- Dave thinks governments are the real villains.
- Hey Dave, isn’t Steve already your best friend who lives in the Internet?
- “Unsentient”.
- Dave sided with the replicants in Blade Runner.
- For two guys who spent an hour defining their terms, Dave and Steve are awfully carefree about the term “robot”.
- Dave forces the editor to go down a rabbit hole to fact check something. Turns out, Dave was right.
- Steve sided with the Matrix in The Matrix.
- Turns out Steve wasn’t paying attention to any of the boring plots bits of The Terminator and Terminator 2
- Hey Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer! Please don’t sue us!
- “Don’t you remember Voyager, man?” versus “Don’t you remember Voyager Man?”.
- Steve was right.
- As usual, Dave feels compelled to drop some 19th century philosophy into the podcast.
- A.B.T. – Always Be Terminating.
- Steve comes up with an idea for a movie. Dave misunderstands it and comes up with two better ideas. Possibly three.
- For an extended and thoughtful perspective on Ex Machina by someone whose name is neither Dave nor Steve, check out Mike’s take.
- No, Dave. “Roy Batty” does not “start with an ‘A'”. Neither does “Rutger Hauer” for that matter”.
- Steve tells a joke so hilarious that it stuns Dave into continuing his sentence uninterrupted.
- Michael Bay doesn’t make Steve question his humanity.
- The last 1:30 of the podcast is a present from the editor to all of you.

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