Episode 54, ‘Point Break Time’, on Keanu Reeves
This week, Dave and Steve take the time to celebrate the genius of Canadian superstar Keanu Reeves. That’s right, the actor that has been requested (by Steve) more times than any other is finally getting The Style Guide Treatment. See what our dynamic duo has to say about obscure films like The Matrix or John Wick and place your bets as to how long into the episode we get before they mention Jodie Foster or Anne Hathaway. Keep your hands and legs inside the phone booth at all times, folks, because strange things are afoot at the Circle-K.
- Intro Clip: The Replacements.
- The editor is of the opinion that Steve wanted to bring up this episode of Movies with Mikey, but couldn’t find a way to smoothly jam it in.
- Right off the top it feels like Dave isn’t going to take Keanu seriously and Steve is going to take him far too seriously. This, faithful listeners, is what we call foreshadowing. It’s goin’ down for real.
- Dave and Steve appear to have a bias towards actors born in North America.
- Is it accurate to refer to Ted “Theodore” Logan as “surfer dude”?
- Steve calls himself an idiot. This, faithful listeners, is what we call the opposite of foreshadowing.
- Steve seems to have a lot of unresolved anger towards great MTV VJ Pauly Shore despite the fact that Bio-Dome might be the single greatest movie of the 1990s.
- Regarding John Leguizamo.
- Much like The Pixar Theory, Dave has The Reeves Conjecture.
- Steve offers up the best impression that he has in his repetoire: Liam Neeson.
- Steve has a prejudice against nontraditional football quarterbackers.
- Steve swears.
- Steve has clearly forgotten Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
- Dave believes Steve’s Hollywood dreams are without merit.
- Dave sometimes confuses Steve for Keanu.
- Dave is racist against surfers.
- Dave says, “Um” for a full three seconds.
- Steve’s trying to have a serious conversation about Keanu Reeves. Dave doesn’t take him seriously.
- Steve doesn’t stick to his guns for no better reason than the simple fact that Dave has a better argument than him.
- Steve says something that is going to get him in trouble later on down the line, but he doesn’t sound like he regrets it.

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