Episode 56, ‘Children of the Prequels’, on Rogue One
Let’s just admit it. The Style Guide exists solely as an excuse for Dave and Steve to talk about Star Wars, and all the episodes in between them are just filler while they wait for the next opportunity to talk about Star Wars — and that opportunity is finally here. Because there hasn’t been enough ink spilled on discussions of Rogue One, Dave and Steve are taking a crack at it. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll be disappointed that people treat Hulk Crit Film as gospel. Follow along because this week is a rebellion, and Dave and Steve rebel.
- Intro Clip: Rogue One.
- Dave and Steve appear to make a really subtle Beetlejuice reference.
- Dave’s five dollar word for the episode is “iconoclastic”. Stay tuned for his definition.
- While it might seem like Dave and Steve are directly attacking the same Hot Takes as the subjects of this piece, they’re probably focused on the absurdity of this.
- Steve defends the prequels.
- Is anyone concerned at how subdued Steve sounds throughout the episode? For someone who claims to love Star Wars, his tone seems more suited to YouTube reviews of the eleventh season of Murder, She Wrote rather than the latest installment of his childhood.
- Eight minutes in, Dave asks permission to start the podcast.
- Forest Whitaker would make a great ghostbuster.
- It turns out that Dave accidentally saw Othello instead of Rogue One.
- CSIS probably isn’t listening to the podcast, Steve.
- The timeless Matrix Reloaded makes an appearance.
- It isn’t really related to the epsiode, but this scene is most excellent. And you believe Keanu Reeves is somehow this man’s equal, Steve?
- “Mads Mikkelsen and Ben Mendelsohn” is almost a tongue twister.
- Steve tries to emphsize the “Saw” part of “Saw Gerrera” so that Dave will stop calling him “Saul”. Also, Steve calls him “Saw Gerrero” multiple times.
- At some point, someone is going to call on The Style Guide to script doctor a Star Wars film and boy are Dave and Steve ready.
- Dave doesn’t know that Leia’s ship in Star Wars is a CR90 Corvette, the Tantive IV. Amateur.
- I think we all know who the real racist is, Steve.
- Steve’s big insight in this episode is that a stand-alone Star Wars story might stand alone.
- Is Dave suggesting that Inglourious Basterds is a Vietnam movie?
- Steve compliments Dave and he brushes it off like its no big deal.
- Steve yada-yadas over the best part.
- Dave references that little known Billy Idol song “Rebel Missile”.
- “When Vader invaded.”
- Steve blames Disney for ruining his childhood, but without Disney, you wouldn’t have even had a childhood, Steve.
- We get it, Dave. You hate Looper and Ant-Man.

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