Episode 58, ‘The sounds of Matt Damon’, on The Martian
This week, Dave and Steve take on the latest “it’s time to rescue Matt Damon” movie (unless you count Jason Bourne as Matt Damon saving himself from the decisions of past-Matt Damon), The Martian. But instead of giving you the usual fare of The Style Guide, they’ve decided to try and record a commentary track for the film. So enjoy two hours and twenty minutes continuous of Dave and Steve working their way through Matt Damon’s fourth greatest movie. Good luck trying to sync up your copies of the film with theirs.
Also: please don’t sue us 20th Century Fox. Or ABBA.
- Intro Clip: The Martian Promotional Material.
- Dave and Steve decide to do an episode with absolutely no regard for how difficult it will be for The Editor to deal with. Thanks guys.
- Steve says Dave is going to say something and then Steve says it.
- Steve assumes that you need a PhD to go into space. This is probably because he’s grasping at reasons why NASA would accept him into their space program.
- Dave doesn’t think very highly of Computer Science degrees.
- To protect Dave’s ego, Steve politely suggests that he is not sure about a fact that he seems awfully sure abou.
- Steve says “less” when he means “fewer”.
- We all heard you say “NASHA”, Steve.
- Steve says “Yeah” a lot. A lot, a lot.
- Technically, Mark Watney is both emancipated and emaciated.
- Hey look, swearing!
- Cast Away would have been a very different movie if Tom Hanks had a beach ball instead of a volley ball.
- Dave, as someone who once lived near a potato garden, speaks for all botanists.
- Things that would have been cut from a normal episode, but can’t because of the nature of a commentary episode: an extended discussion of astronaut poop.
- Steve, you guys did an entire episode on Julia Roberts. AN ENTIRE EPISODE. You shouldn’t be confusing her with Sandra Bullock anymore.
- It sure sounds like Steve thinks he could do as good a job surviving on Mars as Matt Damon.
- Chiwetel Ejiofor.
- Dave doesn’t believe in butterflys.
- Happy Days ran from 1974 to 1984 and disco music “achieved popularity during the mid-1970s to the early 1980s”. Citation.
- This episode really gives you a sense of how much Dave loves “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees..
- The next commentary episode is going to be about American Sniper. Just kidding. There is never going to be another commentary episode. Never ever.
- Nobody will ever mistake Dave and Steve for scientists.
- No, Steve. A political scientist doesn’t count.
- Is anyone else uncomfortable every time Steve talks about “government porn”?
- Dave shuts off his microphone and forces Steve to stumble awkwardly through talking to himself. In the background, you can hear Dave getting a soda.
- “Vincent Parkour” and “Mindy Parker”.
- Steve compliments himself.
- Steve discovers how deep Dave’s love for him is.
- Dave discovers how shallow Steve’s love for him is.
- Steve talks some nonsense about sols. It sounds right, but is super wrong. Unfortunately for him, Dave believes him and thus there is an extended discussion about it.
- Dave almost says that David Bowie and Ziggy Stardust are two different artists — which is confusing for a bunch of reasons.
- At an hour and a half, Dave and Steve desperately need to find a second wind. It turns out doing film commentary is exhausting.
- Dave and Steve cheat for a bit and let ABBA briefly take over commentary duties.
- Unlike when Steve was talking about sols, he is not a total liar when he talks about Jupiter.
- Dave does something that makes the last twenty minutes of the podcast very difficult to edit…
- Thanks to Dave, Steve’s probably now on a government list somewhere.

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