Episode 59, ‘Books are great. Moving books are even better.’, Part I on Walt Disney Animation Studios
After last week’s debacle with what is most certainly their least listened to episode, Dave and Steve return to reasonable episode lengths. That’s right. They are not insisting that you dedicate a significant portion of your life to listening to the podcast. Instead they begin their series on Disney’s animated films. Eventually they’ll work their way to the latest efforts like Moana, but for now they discuss Walt Disney himself, DisneyLand, and the Golden Age of Disney (from Snow White to Bambi).
- Intro Clip: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
- If you think Steve’s audio sounds like it was recorded from inside the belly off a whale, you’d be right.
- Remember that time Dave and Steve did three hours on the difference between robots, cyborgs, and AI? They don’t.
- Dave is briefly concerned with proper etiquette.
- Steve and Dave appear to be on a first name basis with Mr. Disney.
- Dave sounds a lot like he wants to be an Imagineer.
- Dave and Steve liked Disney before it was mainstream.
- Snow White is such a blatant ripoff of Inside Out.
- Steve accuses Disney of trying to manipulate children into being responsible.
- Everyone calls them “animatronics”, Dave.
- Dave flaunts his having-gone-to-Disneyland privilege.
- This podcast seems to represent the entirety of Steve’s knowledge of Disneyland. Las Vegas too, but that’s not related to this episode whatsoever.
- Dave is the only person on the planet who didn’t like Captain America: Civil War.
- Disney films are just a vehicle for ketchup.
- No, guys, Maleficent is not the Evil Queen of Snow White. This ain’t Amateur Night at the Apollo. Get your act together.
- Dave and Steve pretend to be talking fawns.
- Dave is scared by fruits.
- Steve misses the scary Disney movies of yore.
- Is anyone else bothered by the way that Dave and Steve pronounce “dwarfs” as “dwarves”?

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