Episode 65, ‘We know how television works’, on cliffhangers
This week, Dave and Steve return with an episode dedicated to cliffhangers throughout cinema, television, and literature. In doing so, they also take a bit of a journey through a wide range of past episodes of The Style Guide. Perhaps fittingly, because our intrepid hosts are going to go on a hiatus for a while and leave what happens next a cliffhanger of their own. Don’t worry, constant listeners. Dave and Steve will be back soon enough, bringing their usual charm and style to your eagerly awaiting ears — although maybe it won’t all be quite so stylish… Cue the suspenseful music.
- Intro Clip: Batman, Marsha, Queen of Diamonds 01×57.
- Dave’s eclectic music taste strikes again.
- Steve and Dave define cliffhangers without once referencing Thomas Hardy’s A Pair of Blue Eyes nor The Perils of Pauline. Amateurs.
- We get it. You guys love Back to the Future.
- This episode has more spoilers than your average outing from The Style Guide.
- For no particular reason, here’s a Buzzfeed article on why telenovelas are better than soap operas.
- Is the Harry Potter series so fundmental that you don’t even need to use the title when talking about them? Is saying “Book Four” without any context really sufficient for people to understand what you’re ranting about, Steve? People might have thought you were talking about The Silver Chair or Breaking Dawn.
- Yes, The Silver Chair is the fourth book in the Narnia series. We here at The Style Guide will not abide chronological-order-truthers.
- Steve misremembers Battlestar Galactica.
- In a shocking development, Steve admits to a lack of knowledge about something. Dave enlightens him.
- Steve has something in common with former Texas Governor Rick Perry.
- Dave and Steve conveniently forget about the existence of Angel season six.
- Darth Vader = Selma Bouvier.
- Because Steve’s so on fleek, he talks about Jay Leno.
- Theo is intensely disappointed in Steve.
- Maybe “The Best of Both Worlds” wasn’t Steve’s earliest cliffhanger memory because he was only three years old when it aired.
- Supermans? Supermen?
- Steve writes off the entire rom-com genre.
- Clearly Dave and Steve need to rewatch the original Star Wars trilogy. Episode 66, anyone?
- “Superbad for vampires” seems like the saddest possible conclusion to Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg’s careers where they try desperately to relive the glory days by putting a supernatural twist on their old films.
- Suprebad, on the other hand, as a retelling of Superbad but with white supremacists seems like an awesome idea.
- It sounds like Dave and Steve have an important lesson to learn for the future of The Style Guide from the last fifteen minutes of this episode…

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