Hold onto your headphones everyone. Four months after teasing the series, we’re finally launching the podcast. In this week’s One Off, Dave and Steve return to the hottest show of the 90s (and early 00s) with Season 3, Episode 2 of Friends. Learn how they try to manipulate the people around them, sometimes into being better people and sometimes into not paying for coffee. Netflix’s description for this week’s episode is, “In a race against the clock, Ross tries to get the gang dressed and ready for a black-tie benefit at the museum.”
- “The One Where No One’s Ready” is available on Netflix or iTunes
- Steve does not ease into the episode at all. This causes Dave to laugh, not because he finds it funny but because he is uncomfortable.
- Dave tries to get Steve to drink his dude thing.
- Steve is concerned about the health of Ross and Rachel’s relationship.
- Steve admits that past-Steve was dumb.
- Cruxt.
- This episode gives the audience some insight into how Dave and Steve think about the world: like weirdos.
- Steve sexually identifies with this scene from Community.
- Steve shares one of his more banal life goals.
- Dave worries about being a vampire.
- If you invite Dave out for coffee, beware his power moves.
- Steve and Dave really know how to bring an episode home for their audience: five minutes of philosophy, baby.

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