The Suitcase [One Offs #11]

The Suitcase [One Offs #11]

Dave and Steve are joined by a very special guest to discuss yet another HBO hit series that they didn’t watch when it was popular. That seems to be a trend with these guys. Steve claims to have seen Deadwood when it was on television, but that may never be verified.

iTunes description for this week: “A deadline disrupts Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce”.

  • “The Suitcase” is available on iTunes.
  • Bathroom talk. Deal with it.
  • Dom’s innocence is precious.
  • Bad improv remains bad improv even when done by good actors.
  • Dom doesn’t like antisemitism.
  • Dave and Dom think they’d make better ad men than Don Draper; Steve doesn’t take a stance.
  • “Every human emotion”, Dave? Every.
  • Don Draper sees dead people.
  • The trio speculate about the events of prior episodes.
  • Steve wants to be yelled at.
  • That last link is also an unintended pun about the special guest.
  • Walter White needed a business manager.
  • Dom accuses Dave of breaking the One Off rules.
  • Dave and Dom would not make better ad men than Don Draper.
One Offs
One Offs
The Suitcase [One Offs #11]