In this One Off, Dave and Steve delve into DC’s darkest detective, with Season 2, Episode 18 of Batman: The Animated Series. Come to hear them talk about the value of framed narratives and why Dave hates live action superheroes, stay for the fight they get into about toys. iTunes’ description for this episode is, “While hiding from the police, Batman’s deadliest enemies exchange stories about their mutual nemesis–Batman.”
- “Almost Got ‘Im” is available on iTunes
- While One Offs is bound to respect the grammar and punctuation choices of television shows, let the record state that the editor firmly believes this episode should be titled “Almost Got ‘Em”.
- Steve answers a question that Dave didn’t ask, proving that he wasn’t listening in the first place.
- Dave says something ridiculous and then makes fun of Steve for saying something ridiculous.
- Dave thinks Steve likes bad television.
- Dave is one-face ableist.
- Steve talks about effective units.
- Steve doesn’t mind if people call him simple.
- Just to be clear, Steve, your biggest conceptual problem with Batman is that the Batmobile is self-driving?
- Neither Dave nor Steve can remember the details of the 1966 Batman film. For shame, you two. For shame.
- Steve thinks Dave is being insulting to our vast contingent of Australian listeners, but it might be Steve who is the insulting one.
- Raise your hand if you come to One Offs for diuscussions of German expressionism in cinema.
- The moral of superhero cartoons is obviously “crime never pays — unless your crime is being a vigilante”.
- Dave’s pronunciation of Harley Quinn is absolutely absurd.

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