Episode 22, ‘Harley Quinn, Medicine Woman’, on cartoons
In this week’s episode, Dave and Steve start the year off differently than usual in their exploration of the wild and whacky world of cartoons.
Note:Due to said new things, the audio quality may, at times, be less than perfect. We apologize.
- Intro Clip: Pinky and the Brain, Pinky Suavo [3x39a]
- Style Guide: Face/Off.
- Today we are joined by special guests, Scott Thompson and Missie Peters.
- No, Mad Max is not a cartoon.
- If I use a blender, do I become a blender?
- Only one episode of South Park was made using construction paper.
- What exactly does it mean that Scott wants Space Jam to be a cartoon?
- Steven apologizes to Gumby.
- Scott claims to still remember something then does not remember it. This happens multiple times.
- Steven gets pedantic about Greek mythology.
- Steve and Missie stake their territory on the Jetsons’ theme song; Scott and Dave stand firmly in opposition.
- If a time traveller ever needs to go back and kill Dave, this podcast has provided a specific itinerary for Young Dave.
- Penis talk. We’re sorry.
- Steven is wrong. In his defense, Fight! Super Robot Life-Form Transformers first aired in 1984.
- The Smoggies seems like a terrible version of Captain Planet.
- For the record, Steven is not actively singing in this episode.
- Scott says something that might be a little bit racist.
- Dave is insulted on behalf of Andre the Giant.
- Is anyone else bothered by all that junk in Optimus Prime’s trunk?
- Adam West is the definitive Batman.
- Dave thinks Steve’s face is neat.
- Steve defends sexism.
- When Scott starts talking about exaggerated facial expressions, his voice gets exaggerated.
- Dave and Steve agree never to have guest hosts on the podcast again.

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