Episode 23, ‘Talkin’ all cool about cheeseburgers’, on Quentin Tarantino
In this week’s episode, Steve and Dave take on another auteur, this time with lots more swearing than their Wes Anderson episode.
- Intro Clip: Kill Bill, Volume 2
- Dave and Steve’s friendship seems tenuous, at best.
- Dave shares his extensive knowledge of Australian history.
- “Film as a genre” is a strange sentence.
- In an attempt to improve the show’s Google ranking, Steven mentions Kayla Lorette.
- Steven is not a coward and then he is a coward.
- Dave drops the ‘W’ word.
- Reservoir Dogs recreated in tweet format.
- Dave regrets not doing his homework.
- Steven starts listing John Travolta movies. It is unclear why.
- Dave and Steve would be lucky to have a ‘complicated’ Thurman/Tarantino relationship.
- In an attempt to be cool, Steve makes a True Romance reference.
- The Sicilian Scene vs. The Gold Watch Scene.
- Dave and Steve don’t care about Jackie Brown.
- Dave and Steve spend far too much time vacillating over what the first scene of Kill Bill is, given that Wikipedia exists.
- Because he has the mentality of a small child, Steven feels tricked by Quentin Tarantino.
- As two individuals known for their capacity for violence, Dave and Steve are well suited to talk at length about Tarantino’s brutality.
- Steve says “Hans Landa” in his “Hans Gruber” voice.
- Dave and Steve share some chuckles over baseball bat violence.
- Steve seems to really like the hit party game, Hedbanz.
- Dave and Steve experience guilt.
- The first time Steve uses the word “absurd” he probably means “perverse”.
- Does anyone else think Dave says the word “darling” in a weird way?
- While Steven does have a crush on Leonardo Dicaprio, he isn’t satisfied with Jamie Foxx.
- The second time Steve uses the word “absurd” he probably means “stupid”.
- Dave’s favorite episode of Battlestar Galactica is Season 3, Episode 5.
- At one point, Steve says “feeling” and it is totally unclear what he is talking about.
- Dave and Steve start talking extensively about The Hateful Eight.
- Steve harkons back to the days of Grade 10 English.
- Dave harkons back to the days where nobody watched the Clue movie.
- Is anyone else uncomfortable when Dave starts talking about blowjobs?
- Steve spoils both And Then There Were None and Murder on the Orient Express.
- After an hour and twenty minutes, Dave and Steve get fed up with each other.
- Tarantino’s tendency to take from his favorite films.

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