Episode 24, ‘Jean Claude Van Damme is my spirit animal’, on Sense8
Dave and Steve try out The Wachowski’s latest project, Sense8. Turns out that it isn’t as bad as the rendering of the title would have you believe…
Show Notes
- Intro Clip: sense8, I Can’t Leave Her [1×12]
- Dave and Steve were harder on the Daredevil than they were sense8, despite the fact that they loved the former and thought the later was dumb at points.
- Dave and Steve do not, in fact, talk about matrices.
- sense8 makes Steven sound tired.
- The concept of being born again, again is confusing to Steven.
- Dave and Steve disagree on the basic plot of the show. Good sign.
- Dave says “all three of them”. Reminder: there are eight main characters on the show.
- Dave peer pressures Steve.
- Spain and Mexico are nowhere near each other, Steve. You’re thinking Latin America.
- Steve doesn’t quite admit to liking Bollywood.
- Because Dave and Steve are terrible with names, they end up referring to people based on their nationality.
- Steve makes a dope Heroes reference.
- Dave thinks the next season will take place entirely on a boat.
- Dave and Steve have this habit of discussing all the characters in a show as a way of discussing the show itself.
- Steve makes a dope Weezer reference.
- Writing is never fun and sexy to watch.
- Dave is racist against The Matrix Reloaded.
- Dave suggests that Mexico is not a part of North America and then immediately corrects himself.
- “Bug ex machina”, Steve? Really?
- Dave makes an even worse joke than “bug ex machina”. Maybe.
- Dave is offended because he can’t pronounce Eyjafjallajökull.
- Sex makes Steve uncomfortable.
- Dave and Steve talk about that at length.
- In case anyone needs this.
- How many limbs does an orgy make?
- Dave’s German accent isn’t going to win any awards.
- Behind Dave’s cheerful demeanour is the capacity to shoot someone in the face many, many times.
- That moment where you realize that Dave’s terrible jokes are actually just memory techniques.
- Nobody should let Dave write television shows. Or do accents.

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