Episode 29, ‘I hate how much you like Frasier’, on comedians playing themselves
This week, on the Dave and Steve show, Dave and Steve explore television shows where comedians play versions of themselves. Then they realize that is a very limited genre and end up talking about sitcoms, late night shows, and Steven’s feelings.
- Intro Clip: Louie, So Old/Playdate [1×4].
- Finally, Steven doesn’t open with the weather.
- “Just a housewife”, Dave? We’re going to be hearing about that for weeks.
- Steve unfairly characterizes Maron as a show about a podcast host trying to make it as a podcast host.
- Steve does everything in his power not to say “vagina”.
- Drew Carey has absolutely no effect, whatsoever on your life.
- Dave makes an observation about Jerry Seinfeld.
- Dave strongly implies that Steve is the kind of person who wouldn’t watch Roseanne.
- There’s a good chance we’re going to get a cease and desist letter from Ellen DeGeneres.
- New Girl makes Steve want to take up smoking.
- How much of Friends does Dave remember on a moment’s notice?
- “Obfuscate”, eh, fancy man?
- Dave lies about MADtv cast members.
- Steve makes claims about Saturday Night Live that he has absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support.
- Stephen Colbert didn’t play a character inspired by himself, but rather a character inspired by Bill O’Reilly.
- Alf from Alf clearly would have made a better successor to John Stewart, but Trevor Noah comes a close second.
- Dave and Steve select their favorite late night hosts and, in doing so, prove that they are at least eighty years old.
- Just to clarify, Steve, you’re “not comfortable with comedy as a genre”? That’s… weird.
- Ahh yes, the popular “comedy comedy” genre.
- Steve and Dave have strong opinions about garbage: Steve against and Dave for.
- “Does it cause Dave to cry?” is a terrible metric for anyone else.
- Dave and Steve think they are just folk, like everyone else.
- Dave and Steve think they’re special snowflakes who are above common entertainment.
- Obligatory Bernie Mac reference.
- Talking Funny & Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee.

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