Episode 30, ‘The World Progressed and the Movie Can’t’, on Pacific Rim and other bad movies
This week, Steven is away working so Dave sits down with special guest Scott Thompson to discuss one of Scott’s favourite movies Pacific Rim. The conversation also finds it’s way into other bad movies that we love, but don’t worry, it always comes back to Pacific Rim.
- Intro Clip: Pacific Rim.
- Dave wanted to title this episode “Pacific Grim”, but failed to work the pun into the conversation
- Without a single spoiler alert, Dave goes on to completely spoil Pacific Rim
- Dave can’t just talk about one bad alien movie, so he brings up another
- Scott brings up Steve-O just to give himself some Podcast Cred
- Scott may also have admitted to a felony
- While spoiling Demolition Man, Dave can’t help but take another shot at Sandra Bullock. Dave is officially an internet bully
- Dave and Scott use Snakes on a Plane as a jumping off point to talk about movies that were made to be bad
- Dave very successfully auto censors his own swear words
- Of course Arnold Schwarzenegger comes up, just to test Dave’s ability to spell while writing the show notes.
- The conceptĀ of sentiment always makes people think of The Goonies
- To the entire world’s surprise, Scott tries to claim that Princess Bride is a bad movie and that we only like it because of sentiment… Dave saves the day.
- It wouldn’t be a Styleguide if someone didn’t mention the Avengers.
- Fast and Furious: From Terrbile Movie to incredible Franchise!
- As usual Dave comes up with the worst idea for a sequel ever
- Dave laments Sister Act II’s Rotten Tomato Rating
- Scott and Dave end with a deconstruction of a few of the greatest bad/good movie Trilogies.

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