Episode 32, ‘Oh No. His Potatoes Got Blown Up’, on Castaway and other Castaway-like films?
Once again we are still without Steven Orr, so Dave sits down with Theodore Sherman to discuss Castaway, and all other Castaway films.
- Intro Clip: The Martian
- Theo has seen Castaway. So has Dave.
- Dave gives a quick and obvious description of the Castaway Film Genre.
- Dave manages to sneak in a reference to this guy from Runaway Jury.
- Theo hates Dave’s improv.
- Dave has a crush on Matt Damon
- Theo doesn’t think a funny movie is a comedy.
GoodSoloActing == Acting.
- Dave can’t leave Sandra Bullock alone. Come on Dave, she’s an Oscar winner! Let her be.
- Julia Roberts Lost in Space – Best Picture 2018
- Theo decides he’s going to start listening to the Style Guide.
- Theo references Steven Orr to boost his podcast cred.
- We know! Daniel Craig was a Storm Trooper.
- Dave didn’t like The Revenant because there was too much acting?
- Man vs Nature? Person vs Nature?
- Theo doesn’t know the difference between a beach ball and a volley ball. Dave doesn’t either.
- Theo would download a book.
- Theo has seen old movies you’ve never even heard of. He’s so hip.
- Neither Theo nor Dave are doctors.
- Dave encourages Theo to rant. Theo rants.
- Helen Hunt is Theo’s Sandra Bullock.
- What would you do first if you were stranded on a desert island?
- Answer: Inventory.
- People are made out of food, and water.
- Theo is much better at surviving than Dave.
- Dave spoils the book I am Legend.
- The Armageddon Effect
- 11th Hour Problem
- Dave mentions I am Legend a 15th time.
- Theo compares himself to Steven in his ruthlessness.
- Thought Experiment: Where else could someone be cast away?
- Dave likes the word “milieu”
- Theo can’t not bring up Star Trek

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