Episode 35, ‘The zombie is the working class vampire’, on zombie movies
This week Dave and Steve take on the undead hordes with an exploration of zombies and zombie films.
- Intro Clip: Night of the Living Dead
- Dave showcases his expertise in the Dad Joke genre.
- Steven says “kaiju”.
- Dave sings the body horrific.
- On the Origin of Species by Means of Unnatural Selection.
- Dave accidentally makes a sweet Highlander reference.
- Steve begins to answer his own question and, as one might expect, sounds smart…
- … until he stops making sense altogether.
- Dave tries to bring order to the chaos.
- I am become zombie, destroyer of worlds.
- Dave mentions Hitler for no reason whatsoever.
- Steven apologizes for referencing 2012.
- In all things, slow > fast.
- For no justifiable reason, Steve throws shade against Douglas Coupland.
- Steve forgets the kind of zombies present in Dawn of the Dead (2004). He should be ashamed of himself. Also, he is objectively wrong about it being the best zombie film.
- The editor cannot find the Highlander quote that Dave keeps referencing.
- As usual, Steve laughs at the set-up and not the punchline.
- Steven apologizes for referencing 2012 again.
- Steve claims that people age at different rates.
- Dave and Steve like magic.

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