Episode 36, ‘The Billy Crystal of Acting’, on Whoopi Goldberg
This week Dave and Steve continue their wildly successful series of actor profiles, this time with the legendary Whoopi Goldberg. What began as an opportunity to make fun of Nicolas Cage and his weird career has evolved into a more thoughtful look at what makes particular actors work so well — and, with Whoopi, Dave and Steve take to the challenge with aplomb.
- Intro Clip: Theodore Rex – Trailer
- Like Lauryn Hill, Steven will now go by “Stevyn”.
- Whoopi Goldberg is not Shakespeare.
- Dave sounds a lot like Abed.
- Intros to comedy specials have always been terrible.
- Stevyn, like everyone else, forgets both the actors and characters in Eddie.
- Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Whoopi.
- Dave misremembers the sexy pottery scene from Ghost. Dramatically.
- Is anyone surprised that Dave and Stevy don’t like The View?
- Hattie McDaniel won an Oscar for Gone with the Wind in 1939.
- An EGOT is a thing, Dave — and Whoopi was the first African American to achieve it.
- Stevyn needs to talk about The Colo(u)r Purple.
- Dave explains why Sister Act is a perfect film. Stevyn doesn’t quite agree.
- Dave gets quite upset when Stevyn confuses hit 90’s icon Alanis Morissette for one-hit wonder Meredith Brooks.
- Deanna Troi is clearly inferior to Guinan.
- Stevyn says “the Troi family” in an obvious attempt to avoid mispronouncing “Lwaxana”.
- Dave does the same thing.
- Dave gently corrects Stevyn.
- For two people who claim not to watch The View, Dave and Stevyn sure seems to have a great deal of hate for it.
- Dave apologies to Stevyn for insulting Billy Crystal, but he never apologizes to Billy Crystal.

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