Episode 38, ‘Peak Star Trek’, on Star Trek
In our nerdiest episode yet (which is surprising, considering how often they talk about nerdy subjects), Dave and Steve invite special guest Theodore Sherman to talk about the entire Star Trek film and television universe. They do. For a long time.
- Intro Clip: Star Trek: TOS Opening Theme.
- Due to the nature of our recording set-up, Dave sounds echo-y. Blame Theo who we will also hold responsible for making the episode run long. Very, very long. Like the Ender’s Game episode long.
- “Star Trekxpert”, Steven. What a missed opportunity.
- Steve and Theo confuse some of the details about the existence of God.
- Dave approves of Star Trek in the universal, but hates it in the particular.
- Theo avoids saying a bad word, by saying a slightly less bad word.
- Does anyone else think that Theo has a calming, soft-spoken voice that is kind of like a really nerdy lullaby?
- Theo says a bad word.
- Theo, Dave, and Steve argue about Star Trek: Voyager, because Theo has absurd guidelines for “best Starfleet captain”.
- Theo says another bad word. To save space, let’s just assume that every second bullet point from here on out restates that.
- Star Parenting.
- Theo is Steven’s Raymond Babbitt.
- Star Trek is the original The Legend of Zelda.
- Theo calls the new Star Trek movies an “alternative universe”, clearly ignoring The Style Guide‘s style guide take on the matter.
- Trekkie vs Trekker.
- Dave half-sarcastically apologizes for not doing his homework. Theo forgives him.
- For some reason Steven starts talking about the Berlin Wall.
- Dave and Theo talk about pyjamas for a while.
- Steve has a special message for fourteen-year-olds.
- Theo didn’t know that Steve loves Frasier.
- “It was a station. It was stationary.”
- Steve owes Deanna Troi an apology.
- To directly contradict Dave’s claim regarding the greatness of prequels, go rewatch Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
- Theo has problems with Benedict Cumberbatch.
- Dave thinks Battlestar Galactica needed an episode where the cast played Cranium and Scattergories.
- Dave asks two quick questions. They take half an hour to answer.
- Steven thinks poorly of studio executives.

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