Episode 57, ‘Three twists in a row’, on The Prestige Vs. The Illusionist
This week, after a brief holiday, Dave and Steve do yet another installment of their popular “Versus” series (see episode 21’s Jessica Jones vs. Daredevil), pitting The Prestige against The Illusionist and asking themselves “Which film is the better exploration of magic as a theatrical art?”. Well, given that we know which of the hosts is a magician and which learns one quarter of a trick before he “gives up, but could do it if he wanted to”, we can assume that Dave asks the question, but at least they both answer.
- Intro Clip: The Illusionist.
- The only note that Dave and Steve appear to have left for The Editor this week was “Edward Norton is a boss”. Which, as true as that may be guys, isn’t the most helpful piece of guidance to offer the person who has to turn your words into something coherent.
- Regrets? Steve has a few.
- As he does with fatherhood, Dave flaunts his magicianhood.
- Steve spoils the end of the podcast.
- Edward Norton has always been “pretty hot”, Dave.
- Dave talks about something called a “video store”.
- Dave makes up a film called “The Ice Princess” and Steve goes along with it.
- Is a “mind blower” a leaf blower for brains?
- Steve defends M. Night Shyamalan, forcing The Editor to learn how to spell his name.
- Dave and Steve do a great job listening to each other.
- This episode brought to you in part by Dr. Pepper. The 23rd ingredient is lies.
- Dave’s least favorite magic movie is Braveheart.
- Dave has the gall to call Steve “a layman”.
- Steve has the gall to call himself “a layperson”.
- Hey Steve, the shownotes aren’t your personal monkey. You can’t just tell us to do something and count on it being done. Google it yourself, you slacker.
- On a completely unrelated note: here’s a tweet by Neil deGrasse Tyson.
- Dave speaks, at length, on behalf of slighted magicians.
- Are there any films where Paul Giamatti is not a delight?
- Dave spoils magic for everyone.
- Steve gives Christopher Nolan an awful lot of credit. Dave sits there quietly.
- This episode would have been vastly improved by more of Dave doing his Michael Caine impression.

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