Episode 60, ‘Renaissance kids’, Part II on Walt Disney Animation Studios
This week, Dave and Steve continue their journey through the feature films of Walt Disney Animation Studios. With proper microphones and a whole new batch of films to talk about, the dynamic duo start to work their way through the next set of Disney films, starting with Cinderella and ending with Oliver and Company. If you don’t remember some of those films, don’t worry about it. As it turns out, Dave and Steve forgotten more about this era of Disney films than anyone ever needed to know in the first place.
- Intro Clip: Oliver and Company.
- Dave refuses to make meaningful enhancements to his life because he fears change.
- Steve and Dave figure out what “Silver Era” means — allowing Steve to make a bad pun about the ages of technological development towards urban civilization.
- Dave owns Cinderalla.
- Just to clarify, Dave appears to be talking about the person, not the film. She belongs to him. Which is weird for us all.
- Wiktionary has Dave’s back.
- Are talking animals not whimsical enough for you, Steve?
- Dave and Steve celebrate illiteracy.
- Steve does his best not to say “Rudyard”.
- Dave gets text message and stops the entire podcast to deal with it.
- So that’s why it’s called “the Golden Age”.
- Did Dave just suggest that Disney is better than Shakespeare?
- Hi, friend of the show, Missie Peters!
- At this point, it’s pretty clear that the Editor is just messing around.
- In case you had forgotten how racist Disney could be, here’s a reminder.
- Steve pretends to know when mermaids made their first film debut, because he wants the cool kids to like him.
- Steve sounds like he’s having an existential crisis regarding The Lady and the Tramp.
- Steve dun messed up his Disney villain knowledge.
- Dave’s veganism can be traced back directly to a nightmare he had in 1986.
- Did Dave just refer to the “real” Merlin?
- It sounds a lot like Steve didn’t bother preparing for this episode at all.
- Of course Steve was a Boy Scout. It all makes sense now.
- Calling Bambi a scary movie is stretching it a bit, guys.
- Dave wonders how people expressed opinions prior to the Internet.
- Dave makes up his own ending to The Fox and the Hound.
- The Disney Bronze Era is really just the plot of the movie Inception.

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