Episode 63, ‘Wesley Snipes is no Al Pacino’, on Wesley Snipes
You’re telling me that this week Dave and Steve did an actor profile on Wesley Snipes? Like, the dude from the Blade movies, Demolition Man, and a bunch of direct-to-DVD flops who has recently spent three years in prison for income tax fraud? Is there any rhyme or reason to who The Style Guide will profile or have you just thrown every actor’s name into a random number generator? I don’t even know who you guys are anymore.
- Intro Clip: Demolition Man.
- The lie that emerged at the end of episode 61 continues.
- Okay, so I can believe Blade is a Marvel superhero, but how did he get his motorcycle here?
- “Super eclectic”? Looks like someone’s been hitting the thesaurus pretty hard.
- Now that Dave and Steve mention it, the sheer number of vampires in the Blade universe does seem improbably high. Thanks a lot for ruining those films for the audience, guys. Now nobody will be able to take them seriously anymore.
- The tone of this episode consistently lapses into that of two outcasts sitting on the edge of the playground talking about how cool the cool kids are.
- As usual, Steve comes across as Steve Buscemi’s character from 30 Rock.
- The definition for biannually isn’t very helpful…
- Is White Men Can’t Jump a modern day Vaudeville show that is grounded by a common theme of toxic masculinity rather than the plot of a more traditional 90s-era basketball film? The answer might surprise you. (No, no it is not.)
- Dave talks about his manly urges.
- Does Steve make a very (very) subtle dig at the inadequacy of Snapple as a thirst quenching beverage?
- Dave is terrified by nudity whereas Steve just blocks it out.
- Steve worries that Dave is going to make fun of him.
- Boyz N the Hood and New Jack City: sibling projects or kissing cousins?
- Steve sure sounds like he’s overcompensating for something with how much he loves Blade and Blade.
- Blade receives a 6/10 for profanity use according to the IMDb parental guide. Six out of ten. Six. Out. Of. Ten.
- Dave hates the future.
- Summer Glau > Wesley Snipes > Scarlett Johansson > Matt Damon.

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