Episode 64, ‘Furious Kane’, on Citizen Kane vs. Furious 7
This week, Dave and Steve invite special guest Dominik Buconjic to join them for a discussion about the alpha and the omega of cinema, Citizen Kane and Furious 7. You would think that these two films cannot be compared. You might be right, but your hosts do their darnedest to make it work. Do they succeed? You be the judge.
- Intro Clip: Furious 7.
- There can never be enough apologies for the intro to this episode.
- Special guest Dom (as opposed to Vin Diesel Dom) has to put up with a lot of nonsense from Dave and Steve this week.
- Dave and Steve are proud of doing the minimum level of homework required for episode — unlike some other weeks.
- Steve knows the tagline for The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift which, disappointingly, isn’t said by a single character.
- Dave is a god damn liar.
- Is The Style Guide an escape from politics for you? “Too bad”, says Dave.
- Dom doesn’t like Dom, but does Dom like Dom?
- Dom and Steve revel in their rightness and Dave’s wrongness.
- Dave asks Steve to read his mind. In response, Steve reads from paper.
- Dave makes a profound point about Furious 7 and also sings about butts.
- With apologies to Tracy Chapman, Christopher Lee, and The Smashing Pumpkins…
- Steve is a little bit mean to himself. Dave suggests he wasn’t mean enough.
- Dave thinks Daniel Day Lewis was fantastic when he played Brad Pitt playing Jesse James in The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.
- Dave has trouble being quiet while the adults are talking.
- Dave and Dom thinks “rosebud” is less Fight Club or The Sixth Sense and more Titanic.
- It was a sled, Steve, not a sleigh.
- Dave and Steve disagree about the whole point of rosebud.
- It is very strange to have a thoughtful debate about the meaning of Citizen Kane side by side with a conversation about butts and explosions.
- Dungeons & Dragons & Drivetrains.
- Dom and Dave have a discussion about the intricate subtleties of Vin Diesel’s line delivery.
- Dom drops some spoilers for F8 of the Furious,
- Eventually your hosts devolve into bros.
- Dom describes his time on The Style Guide as “surprisingly not a waste of time”. Thanks Dom!

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