Episode 15, ‘Two dogs, three dogs, and different things upon their face’, on the BBC’s Sherlock
Dave and Steve discuss what has likely become the definitive modern take on Sherlock Holmes, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman.
Show Notes
- Intro Clip: Sherlock, His Last Vow [3×1]
- It’s Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Dave. Sir.
- Steven brags about how many Sherlock Holmes stories he’s read.
- Who is the better Sherlock: Columbo, Luther, or Dr. House?
- As usual, Steven forgets all about heroin.
- Benedict Cumberbatch, best Sherlock or bestest Sherlock?
- Steven says, “whole heartily”.
- Dave and Steve gush over the cast.
- Telling a detective story in 2015 is pretty hard, because of how easy technology makes everything.
- Dave swears.
- We say “mind palace” so many times that it loses all meaning.
- Dave says, “sedultress”.
- Is the middle episode of every series always the worst?
- Steven perfectly speaks Dave’s exact thoughts.
- Circling back to episode 8, Dave and Steve debate the faults of Charles Magnussen.
- Steve sounds a lot like Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory.

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