Episode 17, ‘Hey Adults in the Audience, Cry about This for a Second’, on Pixar films
In this episode of Dave’s favourite podcast, Dave and Steven discuss the good and the bad of Pixar movies…although, let’s be honest. They mostly just discuss the good.
Show Notes
- Intro Clip: The Incredibles
- Dave and Steve aren’t the same age.
- No, we will not be talking about the Cars movies.
- Steve suggests that they will not be discussing Pixar’s shorts.
- Dave starts discussing Pixar’s shorts.
- “Toy Story is Magic and Whimsy and Fantasy”.
- What is the difference between Toy Story, Toy Soldiers, & Small Soldiers?
- Pixar is good at living in the real world of childhood experiences: divorce, youth obesity, and mass genocide.
- Just how important is this Joss Whedon guy?
- No wasted space
- Dave has something important to tell Steven.
- Adult themes hidden in the films, but not ‘hidden’ like the Shrek films.
- Genocide really seems to upset Dave.
- Yet again, Dave finds another sports movie that we missed in episode 6.
- Steven lies about when The Style Guide is going to do an episode on The Good Dinosaur.
- Inside Out makes Dave think he’s smarter than babies.
- Dave describes, in depth, his fantasies.
- The importance of thinking through the logical consequences of novel premises.
- Inside Out > Inception
- Pixarification of Disney or the Disneyification of Pixar?
- What’s love got to do with it?
- Let Pixar be Pixar.
Potentially Unexpected Spoilers
- Watchmen
- Inception
- a bunch of Disney movies

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