Episode 20, ‘Most People Could Build a Lightsaber’, on Star Wars: The Force Awakens
In this episode, Dave and Steve discuss their hopes (and fears) for Disney’s first foray into the Star Wars universe.
Show Notes
- Intro Clip: Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
- As a prospective, this episode contains absolutely no spoilers for The Force Awakens because we haven’t seen it yet and don’t know anything about it — other than a few trailers and an IMDB page.
- Steven is a jerk about Dave’s mouth trumpet.
- For people who don’t call themselves Star Wars Nerds, Dave and Steve sound a lot like Star Wars Nerds.
- There are two sides to the Force: the Good side and the Light side.
- Star Wars = The Beatles
- Dave makes a good point about nostalgia. In response, Steven rambles incoherently.
- Where are all the Star Wars clones? That is, not the clone troopers copied from the genetic code of Jango Fett, but the sprawling space opera adventure myths.
- Dave shares a fantasy.
- Steven doesn’t like science.
- Episode 6.5: The Force Slumbers/Naps.
- Dave sees feelings.
- Dave is right.
- Quickening.
- Dave and Steve overanalyze a couple of sentences.
- Dave writes some ridiculous lines in case Abrams wants to do a quick edit before the premier.
- Steven squeals. Loudly. He’s sorry.
- Steven knows that, technically, Luke didn’t kill the Emperor. Email Dave if you’re angry.
- Is anyone surprised that Steven is interested in the political science questions of the new Star Wars?
- There are no batons on Tatooine.
- Steven takes predictions far too seriously.
- Steven, who, again, does not identify as a Star Wars Nerd, corrects Dave on the life span of clone troopers.
- Dave and Steve baselessly speculate about the plot of the movie.
- “African American” really doesn’t work galaxy far, far away.
- Steven misremembers the expanded universe of Star Wars.
- Steven misremembers Luke’s technical prowess.
- Dave says some bullshit about Armageddon.

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