Episode 33, ‘Everyone had all this Superman baggage’, on Movie Adaptations
Hey look, Steven’s back!
This week, Dave and Steve cover the vast array of movies based on books — although, as it turns out, they miss talking about almost all of the notable ones such as American Psycho, Heart of Darkness, The Godfather, and The Devil Wears Prada. Still, they give it the ol’ college try and get through a goodly number. Regardless, Dave thinks its nice working with proper villains again.
- Intro Clip: Apocalypse Now
- Dave doesn’t hear Steven making fun of him.
- Steve correctly identifies (but probably mispronounces) this guy.
- Does it sound to anyone else like Steve is racist against teenagers?
- How to steal like an artist.
- Fucking Tom Bombadil.
- Steve catches himself right before he says, “Fight-battle”.
- Let’s see if we can make this podcast the top Google hit for the term ‘bragsplanation’.
- The Matrix was pretty clearly an adaptation of both the Bible and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.
- Dave makes a terrible mistake which is corrected thusly: Johnny Mnemonic the novel by Terry Bisson was an adaptation of the film Johnny Mnemonic directed by Robert Longo and starring Keanu Reeves which was an adaptation of the short story “Johnny Mnemonic” by William Gibson.
- Dave hates O Brother, Where Art Thou? in a different way than Scott hates The Princess Bride.
- Everything is a Remix.
- Steve says “I think you’re right to point out…” to a comment that he, and not Dave, made.
- Unsurprisingly, Dave and Steve have strong feelings about the Harry Potter films.
- Perfume reminds Dave of Daredevil.
- The editor acknowledges that the last bullet point was deliberately misleading with its lack of italics.
- Dumbledore ≠ Gandalf.
- Steve stumbles into a theory about the Lord of the Rings films use of music.
- It’s not the Watchmen, Steven.
- Because Dave and Steve haven’t talked enough about the Marvel Cinematic Universe…
- Steven gets confused by words.
- Dave hates teenage girls, but not movies with teenage girls in them.
- Obviously, Steven is throwing shade at the Chronicles of Narnia film series and not the BBC television serial.
- Ever helpful, Dave refuses to name the latest Bond movie.
- Dave cuts Steven off as he starts to talk about The English Patient.
- Steven talks about how The Shining misunderstood The Shining.
- Dave saves Hollywood.
- Apropos of nothing, guys: “explainabrag”.

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