Episode 51, ‘What’s wrong with a robotic nose?’, Part I of Robots, Cyborgs, and Artificial Intelligence
This week, Dave and Steve shake things up with their first multi-part episode. For the next three weeks they’ll be talking about the rise of machines in fiction. This week is all about how to tell you’re dealing with a robot — and then the more important questions: What’s the difference between the Terminator and (the?) Robocop?; What are the barriers to sentience and artificial life?; and Why does a Roobma cost $300? Note: at no point do your intrepid hosts talk about the 1983 hit WarGames, the 1986 flop Maximum Overdrive, and 2014’s entirely forgettable Transcendence. If that’s a problem for you, they sincerely apologize.
- Intro Clip: I, Robot.
- In a rare move, the editor has included a brief clip of outtakes. While the editor recognizes the absurdity of linking you to an audio clip when you’re listening to a podcast, he thinks the opportunity to make fun of Steve and Dave is worth it. So, enjoy.
- Steve talks about parenting skills a lot for someone who sometimes forgets to wear pants.
- Dave confesses to taking zumba lessons.
- This episode probably owes a lot to the absolutely fantastic (bite-sized) podcast Robot or Not? — and the occasional side-episodes Sandwich or Not, such as episode 78 “Hot Dogs”.
- Bite-sized wasn’t a pun, but maybe Dave and Steve should start an offshoot podcast about food.
- Dave suggests that this dude looks human.
- Steve prefers the term “fembot”.
- Steve quotes from a term paper he wrote back in 2010.
- Dave decides to cut off his hand and sews a camera in its place.
- Steve makes a ridiculous mistake: he says “adamantine”, which is indestructible metal of the Gods with magic and psychic properties that was bonded with Earth-12025 James Howlett’s bones prior to his adventures with Hercules. He clearly meant “adamantium”, which is a mostly indestructible metal alloy with no magic or psychic properties that was bonded with Earth-616 James Howlett’s bones prior to his adventures with the X-Men. Two completely different things.
- Dave and Steve are not racist against Steampunk Robots.
- Dave defines a term by using the term.
- Turns out Steve has this whole “I’m quoting from the dictionary” voice.
- Regarding dogs and AI.
- It should be noted that the entire discussion about animal intelligence is coloured by the fact that Dave is a vegan and Steve hangs out with vegans sometimes.
- There is a brief discussion in which Dave uses the word “breeding” and we all feel just a little bit uncomfortable.
- For whatever record there is, Steve is right: there is a working Cylon detector.
- Dave humours Steve’s question about Toy Story.
- Because they apparently didn’t settle the topic the first time they brought it up, Dave and Steve again talk about the differences between Toy Story, Toy Soldiers, and Small Soldiers.