Episode 39, ‘They’re not hecklers out of any greater good’, on Comedy Specials
In this week’s episode, Dave and Steve approach whether there is a particular style to be found in comedy specials — mostly as an excuse to watch a bunch of comedians all week.
In response to Steve’s confession, Dave talks about how great he is.
Brief thoughts regarding the nobility of hecklers.
Dave talks at length about looking at his bit.
Steve and Dave didn’t talk at all about music-primary comedians such as Bo Burnham, Tim Minchin, or Tenacious D. This could either be an oversight or a deliberate choice. Who knows!
The Style Guide
Ep. 39: They're Not Hecklers Out of Any Greater Good
In our nerdiest episode yet (which is surprising, considering how often they talk about nerdy subjects), Dave and Steve invite special guest Theodore Sherman to talk about the entire Star Trek film and television universe. They do. For a long time.
Due to the nature of our recording set-up, Dave sounds echo-y. Blame Theo who we will also hold responsible for making the episode run long. Very, very long. Like the Ender’s Game episode long.
“Star Trekxpert”, Steven. What a missed opportunity.
Episode 36, ‘The Billy Crystal of Acting’, on Whoopi Goldberg
This week Dave and Steve continue their wildly successful series of actor profiles, this time with the legendary Whoopi Goldberg. What began as an opportunity to make fun of Nicolas Cage and his weird career has evolved into a more thoughtful look at what makes particular actors work so well — and, with Whoopi, Dave and Steve take to the challenge with aplomb.
On the Origin of Species by Means of Unnatural Selection.
Dave accidentally makes a sweet Highlander reference.
Steve begins to answer his own question and, as one might expect, sounds smart…
… until he stops making sense altogether.
Dave tries to bring order to the chaos.
I am become zombie, destroyer of worlds.
Dave mentions Hitler for no reason whatsoever.
Steven apologizes for referencing 2012.
In all things, slow > fast.
For no justifiable reason, Steve throws shade against Douglas Coupland.
Steve forgets the kind of zombies present in Dawn of the Dead (2004). He should be ashamed of himself. Also, he is objectively wrong about it being the best zombie film.
The editor cannot find the Highlander quote that Dave keeps referencing.
As usual, Steve laughs at the set-up and not the punchline.
Episode 34, ‘What is the best colour in the universe?’, on the Academy Awards
Dave and Steve return with an episode that was definitely, 100% recorded this week. No doubt. There is certainly no way that it was recorded immediately following the Oscars and then ignored until this week. Nope. This week they tackle the topic of the Academy Awards, conceptually, rather than specifically — although they do delve into particular cases to help draw out their broader points. Additionally, Dave tanks any possibility of Steve getting involved in politics ever again.
Dave and Steve have an irrational hatred and love for the movie Gladiator.
Dave laments the loss of his childlike sense of wonder.
Confession time: this episode was recorded months ago, before Dave had seen The Martian. We apologize for lying to you.
Al Pacino and Russell Crowe starred in the 1999 Best Picture nominee The Insider. Dave and Steve will be happy and devastated to know that it was a box office flop.
Dave viciously slanders Leonardo Dicaprio.
Steve uses the phrase “they used to have…” very loosely.
How does anyone justify Meryl Streep’s nomination for The Devil Wears Prada?
Steve suggests that The Style Guide is on par with The Academy Awards.
Dave makes bold claims about films that he has never seen.
What does ‘best’ even mean? And, like, have you ever really noticed how weird hands are, man?
Steven claims that he is not a special snowflake.
Steven claims that he is a special snowflake.
Dave has read books before.
Is Brie Larson going to be another Sandra Bullock situation, Dave?
Listen for Steve’s entirely appropriate use of the word “arcane”.
Steve is incredulous that Beauty and the Beast was nominated.
Episode 33, ‘Everyone had all this Superman baggage’, on Movie Adaptations
Hey look, Steven’s back!
This week, Dave and Steve cover the vast array of movies based on books — although, as it turns out, they miss talking about almost all of the notable ones such as American Psycho, Heart of Darkness, The Godfather, and The Devil Wears Prada. Still, they give it the ol’ college try and get through a goodly number. Regardless, Dave thinks its nice working with proper villains again.
Steve catches himself right before he says, “Fight-battle”.
Let’s see if we can make this podcast the top Google hit for the term ‘bragsplanation’.
The Matrix was pretty clearly an adaptation of both the Bible and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.
Dave makes a terrible mistake which is corrected thusly: Johnny Mnemonic the novel by Terry Bisson was an adaptation of the film Johnny Mnemonic directed by Robert Longo and starring Keanu Reeves which was an adaptation of the short story “Johnny Mnemonic” by William Gibson.
Dave hates O Brother, Where Art Thou? in a different way than Scott hates The Princess Bride.