Ep. 30: The World Progressed and the Movie Can’t

Ep. 30: The World Progressed and the Movie Can’t

Episode 30, ‘The World Progressed and the Movie Can’t’, on Pacific Rim and other bad movies

This week, Steven is away working so Dave sits down with special guest Scott Thompson to discuss one of Scott’s favourite movies Pacific Rim. The conversation also finds it’s way into other bad movies that we love, but don’t worry, it always comes back to Pacific Rim.

  • Intro Clip: Pacific Rim.
  • Dave wanted to title this episode “Pacific Grim”, but failed to work the pun into the conversation
  • Without a single spoiler alert, Dave goes on to completely spoil Pacific Rim
  • Dave can’t just talk about one bad alien movie, so he brings up another
  • Scott brings up Steve-O just to give himself some Podcast Cred
  • Scott may also have admitted to a felony
  • While spoiling Demolition Man, Dave can’t help but take another shot at Sandra Bullock. Dave is officially an internet bully
  • Dave and Scott use Snakes on a Plane as a jumping off point to talk about movies that were made to be bad
  • Dave very successfully auto censors his own swear words
  • Of course Arnold Schwarzenegger comes up, just to test Dave’s ability to spell while writing the show notes.
  • The concept of sentiment always makes people think of The Goonies
  • To the entire world’s surprise, Scott tries to claim that Princess Bride is a bad movie and that we only like it because of sentiment… Dave saves the day.
  • It wouldn’t be a Styleguide if someone didn’t mention the Avengers.
  • Fast and Furious: From Terrbile Movie to incredible Franchise!
  • As usual Dave comes up with the worst idea for a sequel ever
  • Dave laments Sister Act II’s Rotten Tomato Rating
  • Scott and Dave end with a deconstruction of a few of the greatest bad/good movie Trilogies.
The Style Guide
The Style Guide
Ep. 30: The World Progressed and the Movie Can't
Ep. 29: I Hate How Much you Like Frasier

Ep. 29: I Hate How Much you Like Frasier

Episode 29, ‘I hate how much you like Frasier’, on comedians playing themselves

This week, on the Dave and Steve show, Dave and Steve explore television shows where comedians play versions of themselves. Then they realize that is a very limited genre and end up talking about sitcoms, late night shows, and Steven’s feelings.

  • Intro Clip: Louie, So Old/Playdate [1×4].
  • Finally, Steven doesn’t open with the weather.
  • “Just a housewife”, Dave? We’re going to be hearing about that for weeks.
  • Steve unfairly characterizes Maron as a show about a podcast host trying to make it as a podcast host.
  • Steve does everything in his power not to say “vagina”.
  • Drew Carey has absolutely no effect, whatsoever on your life.
  • Dave makes an observation about Jerry Seinfeld.
  • Dave strongly implies that Steve is the kind of person who wouldn’t watch Roseanne.
  • There’s a good chance we’re going to get a cease and desist letter from Ellen DeGeneres.
  • New Girl makes Steve want to take up smoking.
  • How much of Friends does Dave remember on a moment’s notice?
  • “Obfuscate”, eh, fancy man?
  • Dave lies about MADtv cast members.
  • Steve makes claims about Saturday Night Live that he has absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support.
  • Stephen Colbert didn’t play a character inspired by himself, but rather a character inspired by Bill O’Reilly.
  • Alf from Alf clearly would have made a better successor to John Stewart, but Trevor Noah comes a close second.
  • Dave and Steve select their favorite late night hosts and, in doing so, prove that they are at least eighty years old.
  • Just to clarify, Steve, you’re “not comfortable with comedy as a genre”? That’s… weird.
  • Ahh yes, the popular “comedy comedy” genre.
  • Steve and Dave have strong opinions about garbage: Steve against and Dave for.
  • “Does it cause Dave to cry?” is a terrible metric for anyone else.
  • Dave and Steve think they are just folk, like everyone else.
  • Dave and Steve think they’re special snowflakes who are above common entertainment.
  • Obligatory Bernie Mac reference.
  • Talking Funny & Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee.
The Style Guide
The Style Guide
Ep. 29: I Hate How Much you Like Frasier
Ep. 28: Do You Always Go Naked?

Ep. 28: Do You Always Go Naked?

Episode 28, ‘Do you always go naked?’, on time travel

This week, Dave and Steve go back… to Back to the Future. Well, kind of. They take on the broader concept of time travel in movies and, to am such lesser extent, novels. Follow along in their (thankfully) straightforward episode.

  • Intro Clip: Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home.
  • Dave and Steve don’t talk about Harry Potter.
  • Steve makes the dubious claim that that cyrostasis should be considered a form of time travel. Dave accepts this without question.
  • Dave and Steve experience the passage of time.
  • Dave explains why Looper makes him loopy.
  • Steve talks about that old-time-Lost-magic.
  • Steve takes an unpopular perspective on 12 Monkeys.
  • Dave doesn’t like when you explain things to him.
  • Talking about the plot of Star Trek 4 makes one sound crazy.
  • Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure is a “hilarious comedy”.
  • Steve puts his failure to achieve an engineering degree to good use.
  • Any question in which the answer is Hot Tub Time Machine is the wrong question.
  • Believe it or not, Steve is correct when he calls the time travel machine from Seven Days a sphere — “Chronosphere” to be correct — but the writers were incorrect to call it a sphere, because it has flat sides all around.
  • Dave and Steve share a love for Scott Bakula’s earlier television escapades.
  • In retrospect, the plot of The Time Traveller’s Wife sounds kind of creepy when Dave explains it.
  • Did Dave and Steve piss of Dr. Who fans? Who cares? Who who?
  • Regarding the untimely death of Hitler.
  • Is Dave racist against people who are fans of Stargate SG-1?
  • Sliding Doors: Great time travel movie or greatest time travel movie?
  • Dave talks about the worst movie from 1985.
  • Terminator 2 = Sixteen Candles.
  • If you haven’t already shut off the podcast while shouting “bullshit, you idiots”, don’t worry. You’ll have more opportunities later.
  • Billy Shakespeare, famous Hollywood producer…
  • … which leads into Steven saying some of the craziest nonsense he has ever said on the podcast.
  • Pauly Shore’s decline is the greatest tragedy of our age.
  • Planet of the Apes (1968) > Dawn of the Planet of the Apes > Rise of the Planet of the Apes > Escape from the Planet of the Apes > Beneath the Planet of the Apes > “Return to Beneath the Planet of the Pigs” > Planet of the Apes (2001) > Conquest of the Planet of the Apes > Battle for the Planet of the Apes.
  • Who could ever forget Young Bruce Willis.
  • Ah yes, that old time travel classic, A Christmas Carol.
  • The final twenty five minutes of the episode are without shownotes because the editor shouted “bullshit, you idiots” and quit.
The Style Guide
The Style Guide
Ep. 28: Do You Always Go Naked?
Ep. 27: I Understand Why People Don’t Like Sandra Bullock

Ep. 27: I Understand Why People Don’t Like Sandra Bullock

Episode 27, ‘I understand why people don’t like Sandra Bullock’, on Julia Roberts

Dave and Steve move onto their next actor profile. While the episode is ostensibly focused on Julia Roberts, they spend almost as much time talking about Sandra Bullock. Since Steven can’t tell them apart, it’s a win-win situation.

  • Intro Clip: Mona Lisa Smile.
  • Steve says something racist. He doesn’t say it in a racist way, though.
  • Dave, who is an avid follower of the Independent Spirit Awards, recalls that Julia Roberts “maybe even got nominated for” Mystic Pizza.
  • Will Dave ever shut up about how great Anne Hathaway is?
  • Are the dreams of Julia Roberts alive in Portland?
  • Dave slips in a dig against Scent of a Woman
  • Dave builds a nice little sandcastle and Steven kicks it over like a bully.
  • Steve confuses the words “beautiful” and “sexy”.
  • “Pygmalion-ed”.
  • There’s a joke somewhere in here about Steven and hitting puberty late, but we don’t bother with the low-hanging fruit.
  • Dave didn’t mean for Steve to feel like this.
  • The conversation briefly devolves into something uncomfortable.
  • Does anyone else think “The Ocean’s Movies” is a weird way to describe those films?
  • There are some who might consider “casual woman” to be an insult.
  • Steve makes a poor comparison. Dave corrects him.
  • This is what Dave means when I says “real person”.
  • “Super educated” is a fun descriptor.
  • Nobody needs to see Mona Lisa Smile after this podcast, because Dave gives us the entire film.
  • At last, our long national nightmare is over as Dave’s Netflix rating system is made clear.
  • In this episode, Steven forgets the name of almost every single actor that he tries to reference. Maybe life is just something that Steven does while he stalls for a character’s name.
  • Dave mentions the movie that shall not be named. We here at The Style Guide apologize to anyone who was unprepared for that reference.
  • The upcoming Jungle Book is a terrible idea and a pox on all those who disagree.
  • “Michelle Pfeiffer” is easy to say and almost impossible to spell.
  • “Patriarchal” is the opposite.
  • Steve concludes the episode by going off the rails, but something wonderful comes about because of it.
Actor Profiles
Actor Profiles
Ep. 27: I Understand Why People Don't Like Sandra Bullock
Ep. 26: Darth Villain

Ep. 26: Darth Villain

Episode 26, ‘Darth Villain’, on The Force Awakens

Dave and Steve go back… not to the future, but to Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Be warned, while there are of course spoilers for the movie, they spend a lot of time talking about the idea of the movie rather than the movie itself. Very meta.

Show Notes

  • Intro Clip: Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
  • Steve talks abut the weather, because nothing is more enthralling.
  • Dave offends our vast American contingent of listeners.
  • Dave offers a spoiler warning an entire episode too late.
  • What’s the difference between a spoiled apple and a spoiled movie?
  • Dave takes media consumption to the extreme.
  • Dave shares his Commode Story in which he expresses concern about a young man’s cinematic experiences.
  • Is Steve starting to sound like a conspiracy theory nut? And not the fun Lone Gunmen kind. More like the lame Mel Gibson kind.
  • As usual, Dave hates the Coen Brothers masterpiece Ladykillers.
  • Sports!
  • In an attempt to seem hip, Steve makes a Seinfeld reference that may be entirely fictional.
  • Star Wars brings us together like Richard Nixon.
  • To clarify, Steve says “Twilight too” not “Twilight 2”. He is well aware the that the sequel to Twilight is New Moon.
  • Apropos of something, here is a link to a few thoughts on harm versus offense.
  • Again, Steven brings up his desire for his own BB-8.
  • Dave is a pretty reasonable person.
  • Steve gives a terrible account of Deadpool the character.
  • Steve gets emotional.
  • Would a rose by any other name still play Dungeons and Dragons?
  • Steve blatantly rips off Guy English’s take on Star Wars from The Talk Show Holiday Spectacular.
  • Steve fondly imagines children bullying each other on a school playground. And so the apprentice becomes the master.
  • Dave writes a love letter to JJ Abram’s love letter.
  • Dave thinks he’s better than the last surviving Jedi. Sure, whatever Dave.
  • How cool is Steven?
  • Dave comes up with some terrible titles for Episode VIII.
The Style Guide
The Style Guide
Ep. 26: Darth Villain
Ep. 25: Her Dystopias Are Bonkers

Ep. 25: Her Dystopias Are Bonkers

Episode 25, ‘Her dystopias are bonkers’, on Margaret Atwood

This week Dave and Steve help Paper Street Theatre prepare for their upcoming show on Margaret Atwood by taking a journey through her science fiction novels.

Show Notes

  • Intro Clip: The Handmaid’s Tale.
  • The Style Guide, where you come for your hot takes on continental geography.
  • Dave begins using the phrase “great Canadian author” — and does not stop for the next sixty minutes.
  • Dave says “prosaic”. He does not mean that at all so he makes up a word instead.
  • Be warned, Dave and Steve offer brief spoilers about Moby Dick.
  • Dave suggests Atwood is the Stanley Kubrick of the CanLit world.
  • Hey Steve, isn’t the definition of a dystopia really just an allegorical story set sometime in the future?
  • In case anyone is curious, Orson Wells did not write 1984.
  • How much science is needed to make a science fiction pie?
  • Dave makes a Mary Poppins reference.
  • The Third Hand Tale?
  • Wow, Steve, you read Ulysses. That’s so impressive. Tell us more.
  • Steve shows he’s in the pocket of Big Business.
  • Dave and Steve bring their own experiences to their reading of The Handmaid’s Tale.
  • If reading Atwood is washing the dishes, then is The Style Guide shovelling snow?
  • We get it, Steve. You think you’re smart.
  • Hi Amy Gruber!
  • Dave throws a sentence.
  • Apparently “the feels” really only dates back to March 30th, 2012. Dave and Steve are almost hip.
  • Steve thinks he’s better than Margaret Atwood.
The Style Guide
The Style Guide
Ep. 25: Her Dystopias Are Bonkers
Ep. 24: Jean Claude Van Damme Is My Spirit Animal

Ep. 24: Jean Claude Van Damme Is My Spirit Animal

Episode 24, ‘Jean Claude Van Damme is my spirit animal’, on Sense8

Dave and Steve try out The Wachowski’s latest project, Sense8. Turns out that it isn’t as bad as the rendering of the title would have you believe…

Show Notes

  • Intro Clip: sense8, I Can’t Leave Her [1×12]
  • Dave and Steve were harder on the Daredevil than they were sense8, despite the fact that they loved the former and thought the later was dumb at points.
  • Dave and Steve do not, in fact, talk about matrices.
  • sense8 makes Steven sound tired.
  • The concept of being born again, again is confusing to Steven.
  • Dave and Steve disagree on the basic plot of the show. Good sign.
  • Dave says “all three of them”. Reminder: there are eight main characters on the show.
  • Dave peer pressures Steve.
  • Spain and Mexico are nowhere near each other, Steve. You’re thinking Latin America.
  • Steve doesn’t quite admit to liking Bollywood.
  • Because Dave and Steve are terrible with names, they end up referring to people based on their nationality.
  • Steve makes a dope Heroes reference.
  • Dave thinks the next season will take place entirely on a boat.
  • Dave and Steve have this habit of discussing all the characters in a show as a way of discussing the show itself.
  • Steve makes a dope Weezer reference.
  • Writing is never fun and sexy to watch.
  • Dave is racist against The Matrix Reloaded.
  • Dave suggests that Mexico is not a part of North America and then immediately corrects himself.
  • “Bug ex machina”, Steve? Really?
  • Dave makes an even worse joke than “bug ex machina”. Maybe.
  • Dave is offended because he can’t pronounce Eyjafjallajökull.
  • Sex makes Steve uncomfortable.
  • Dave and Steve talk about that at length.
  • In case anyone needs this.
  • How many limbs does an orgy make?
  • Dave’s German accent isn’t going to win any awards.
  • Behind Dave’s cheerful demeanour is the capacity to shoot someone in the face many, many times.
  • That moment where you realize that Dave’s terrible jokes are actually just memory techniques.
  • Nobody should let Dave write television shows. Or do accents.
The Style Guide
The Style Guide
Ep. 24: Jean Claude Van Damme Is My Spirit Animal
Ep. 23: Talkin’ All Cool About Cheeseburgers

Ep. 23: Talkin’ All Cool About Cheeseburgers

Episode 23, ‘Talkin’ all cool about cheeseburgers’, on Quentin Tarantino

In this week’s episode, Steve and Dave take on another auteur, this time with lots more swearing than their Wes Anderson episode.

  • Intro Clip: Kill Bill, Volume 2
  • Dave and Steve’s friendship seems tenuous, at best.
  • Dave shares his extensive knowledge of Australian history.
  • “Film as a genre” is a strange sentence.
  • In an attempt to improve the show’s Google ranking, Steven mentions Kayla Lorette.
  • Steven is not a coward and then he is a coward.
  • Dave drops the ‘W’ word.
  • Reservoir Dogs recreated in tweet format.
  • Dave regrets not doing his homework.
  • Steven starts listing John Travolta movies. It is unclear why.
  • Dave and Steve would be lucky to have a ‘complicated’ Thurman/Tarantino relationship.
  • In an attempt to be cool, Steve makes a True Romance reference.
  • The Sicilian Scene vs. The Gold Watch Scene.
  • Dave and Steve don’t care about Jackie Brown.
  • Dave and Steve spend far too much time vacillating over what the first scene of Kill Bill is, given that Wikipedia exists.
  • Because he has the mentality of a small child, Steven feels tricked by Quentin Tarantino.
  • As two individuals known for their capacity for violence, Dave and Steve are well suited to talk at length about Tarantino’s brutality.
  • Steve says “Hans Landa” in his “Hans Gruber” voice.
  • Dave and Steve share some chuckles over baseball bat violence.
  • Steve seems to really like the hit party game, Hedbanz.
  • Dave and Steve experience guilt.
  • The first time Steve uses the word “absurd” he probably means “perverse”.
  • Does anyone else think Dave says the word “darling” in a weird way?
  • While Steven does have a crush on Leonardo Dicaprio, he isn’t satisfied with Jamie Foxx.
  • The second time Steve uses the word “absurd” he probably means “stupid”.
  • Dave’s favorite episode of Battlestar Galactica is Season 3, Episode 5.
  • At one point, Steve says “feeling” and it is totally unclear what he is talking about.
  • Dave and Steve start talking extensively about The Hateful Eight.
  • Steve harkons back to the days of Grade 10 English.
  • Dave harkons back to the days where nobody watched the Clue movie.
  • Is anyone else uncomfortable when Dave starts talking about blowjobs?
  • Steve spoils both And Then There Were None and Murder on the Orient Express.
  • After an hour and twenty minutes, Dave and Steve get fed up with each other.
  • Tarantino’s tendency to take from his favorite films.
The Style Guide
The Style Guide
Ep. 23: Talkin' All Cool About Cheeseburgers
Ep. 22: Harley Quinn, Medicine Woman

Ep. 22: Harley Quinn, Medicine Woman

Episode 22, ‘Harley Quinn, Medicine Woman’, on cartoons

In this week’s episode, Dave and Steve start the year off differently than usual in their exploration of the wild and whacky world of cartoons.

Note:Due to said new things, the audio quality may, at times, be less than perfect. We apologize.

  • Intro Clip: Pinky and the Brain, Pinky Suavo [3x39a]
  • Style Guide: Face/Off.
  • Today we are joined by special guests, Scott Thompson and Missie Peters.
  • No, Mad Max is not a cartoon.
  • If I use a blender, do I become a blender?
  • Only one episode of South Park was made using construction paper.
  • What exactly does it mean that Scott wants Space Jam to be a cartoon?
  • Steven apologizes to Gumby.
  • Scott claims to still remember something then does not remember it. This happens multiple times.
  • Steven gets pedantic about Greek mythology.
  • Steve and Missie stake their territory on the Jetsons’ theme song; Scott and Dave stand firmly in opposition.
  • If a time traveller ever needs to go back and kill Dave, this podcast has provided a specific itinerary for Young Dave.
  • Penis talk. We’re sorry.
  • Steven is wrong. In his defense, Fight! Super Robot Life-Form Transformers first aired in 1984.
  • The Smoggies seems like a terrible version of Captain Planet.
  • For the record, Steven is not actively singing in this episode.
  • Scott says something that might be a little bit racist.
  • Dave is insulted on behalf of Andre the Giant.
  • Is anyone else bothered by all that junk in Optimus Prime’s trunk?
  • Adam West is the definitive Batman.
  • Dave thinks Steve’s face is neat.
  • Steve defends sexism.
  • When Scott starts talking about exaggerated facial expressions, his voice gets exaggerated.
  • Dave and Steve agree never to have guest hosts on the podcast again.
The Style Guide
The Style Guide
Ep. 22: Harley Quinn, Medicine Woman
Ep. 21: The Spectrum of Brooding

Ep. 21: The Spectrum of Brooding

Episode 21, ‘The spectrum of brooding’, Jessica Jones vs Daredevil

In this episode, Dave and Steven discuss the two latest Netflix/Marvel team-ups! It starts out sounding like a hatefest, and then ends sounding like a feminist-fest, but in the end it’s just another wonderful episode of The Style Guide.

Seriously though, Dave and Steven really do like Jessica Jones and Daredevil.

Show Notes

  • Intro Clip: Jessica Jones, AKA You’re a Winner [1×6].
  • Steven picks an intro clip that is somewhat on the nose.
  • Dave insists on calling this “JJ vs. DD”.
  • Binge watching is all about hiding the flaws.
  • Steven is very clearly still a six year old.
  • Dave and Steve debate the merits of being blind.
  • “Mac Murdock”, Dave?
  • Steven gets angry at people in love.
  • Speaking of love, does it sound like Dave might be a little bit in love with “Trinity from The Matrix“?
  • For perhaps the first time in his life, Steven admits to being wrong.
  • David Tennant is no Vincent D’Nofrio.
  • Dave makes up a quote.
  • Steven doesn’t understand the difference between Hell’s Kitchen and the rest of Manhattan. Or New York. Or geography as a concept.
  • Dave feels cinematography.
  • Jessica Jones doesn’t have one of these scenes.
  • For a more nuanced take on that scene, check out this analysis.
  • Daredevil’s superpower is that he can tell when your heart is beating.
  • Steve brings up the always timely Ang Lee Hulk film.
  • Most of the podcast sounds like a hatefest, but Dave and Steve really did enjoy both series.
  • Maybe we should start assuming that Steve always hates any particular child/teen actor unless he expressly states otherwise.
  • Is romance a justification for sex or is sex a justification for romance?
  • When is Monica going to get around to a better feminist critique of Jessica Jones than Dave and Steven?
  • Steven mispronounces(?) Bechdel.
  • Hey Dave, never apologize for being a feminist. You do you.
  • Animorphs reference. Boom.
The Style Guide
The Style Guide
Ep. 21: The Spectrum of Brooding