Episode 30, ‘The World Progressed and the Movie Can’t’, on Pacific Rim and other bad movies
This week, Steven is away working so Dave sits down with special guest Scott Thompson to discuss one of Scott’s favourite movies Pacific Rim. The conversation also finds it’s way into other bad movies that we love, but don’t worry, it always comes back to Pacific Rim.
Dave wanted to title this episode “Pacific Grim”, but failed to work the pun into the conversation
Without a single spoiler alert, Dave goes on to completely spoil Pacific Rim
Dave can’t just talk about one bad alien movie, so he brings up another
Scott brings up Steve-O just to give himself some Podcast Cred
Scott may also have admitted to a felony
While spoiling Demolition Man, Dave can’t help but take another shot at Sandra Bullock. Dave is officially an internet bully
Dave and Scott use Snakes on a Plane as a jumping off point to talk about movies that were made to be bad
Dave very successfully auto censors his own swear words
Of course Arnold Schwarzenegger comes up, just to test Dave’s ability to spell while writing the show notes.
The concept of sentiment always makes people think of The Goonies
To the entire world’s surprise, Scott tries to claim that Princess Bride is a bad movie and that we only like it because of sentiment… Dave saves the day.
It wouldn’t be a Styleguide if someone didn’t mention the Avengers.
Episode 29, ‘I hate how much you like Frasier’, on comedians playing themselves
This week, on the Dave and Steve show, Dave and Steve explore television shows where comedians play versions of themselves. Then they realize that is a very limited genre and end up talking about sitcoms, late night shows, and Steven’s feelings.
Episode 28, ‘Do you always go naked?’, on time travel
This week, Dave and Steve go back… to Back to the Future. Well, kind of. They take on the broader concept of time travel in movies and, to am such lesser extent, novels. Follow along in their (thankfully) straightforward episode.
Steve takes an unpopular perspective on 12 Monkeys.
Dave doesn’t like when you explain things to him.
Talking about the plot of Star Trek 4 makes one sound crazy.
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure is a “hilarious comedy”.
Steve puts his failure to achieve an engineering degree to good use.
Any question in which the answer is Hot Tub Time Machine is the wrong question.
Believe it or not, Steve is correct when he calls the time travel machine from Seven Days a sphere — “Chronosphere” to be correct — but the writers were incorrect to call it a sphere, because it has flat sides all around.
Dave and Steve share a love for Scott Bakula’s earlier television escapades.
In retrospect, the plot of The Time Traveller’s Wife sounds kind of creepy when Dave explains it.
Did Dave and Steve piss of Dr. Who fans? Who cares? Who who?
If you haven’t already shut off the podcast while shouting “bullshit, you idiots”, don’t worry. You’ll have more opportunities later.
Billy Shakespeare, famous Hollywood producer…
… which leads into Steven saying some of the craziest nonsense he has ever said on the podcast.
Pauly Shore’s decline is the greatest tragedy of our age.
Planet of the Apes (1968) > Dawn of the Planet of the Apes > Rise of the Planet of the Apes > Escape from the Planet of the Apes > Beneath the Planet of the Apes > “Return to Beneath the Planet of the Pigs” > Planet of the Apes (2001) > Conquest of the Planet of the Apes > Battle for the Planet of the Apes.
Episode 27, ‘I understand why people don’t like Sandra Bullock’, on Julia Roberts
Dave and Steve move onto their next actor profile. While the episode is ostensibly focused on Julia Roberts, they spend almost as much time talking about Sandra Bullock. Since Steven can’t tell them apart, it’s a win-win situation.
Does anyone else think “The Ocean’s Movies” is a weird way to describe those films?
There are some who might consider “casual woman” to be an insult.
Steve makes a poor comparison. Dave corrects him.
This is what Dave means when I says “real person”.
“Super educated” is a fun descriptor.
Nobody needs to see Mona Lisa Smile after this podcast, because Dave gives us the entire film.
At last, our long national nightmare is over as Dave’s Netflix rating system is made clear.
In this episode, Steven forgets the name of almost every single actor that he tries to reference. Maybe life is just something that Steven does while he stalls for a character’s name.
Dave mentions the movie that shall not be named. We here at The Style Guide apologize to anyone who was unprepared for that reference.
The upcoming Jungle Book is a terrible idea and a pox on all those who disagree.
“Michelle Pfeiffer” is easy to say and almost impossible to spell.
“Patriarchal” is the opposite.
Steve concludes the episode by going off the rails, but something wonderful comes about because of it.
Actor Profiles
Ep. 27: I Understand Why People Don't Like Sandra Bullock
Dave and Steve go back… not to the future, but to Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Be warned, while there are of course spoilers for the movie, they spend a lot of time talking about the idea of the movie rather than the movie itself. Very meta.
Episode 25, ‘Her dystopias are bonkers’, on Margaret Atwood
This week Dave and Steve help Paper Street Theatre prepare for their upcoming show on Margaret Atwood by taking a journey through her science fiction novels.
Dave and Steve were harder on the Daredevil than they were sense8, despite the fact that they loved the former and thought the later was dumb at points.
Dave and Steve do not, in fact, talk about matrices.
sense8 makes Steven sound tired.
The concept of being born again, again is confusing to Steven.
Dave and Steve disagree on the basic plot of the show. Good sign.
Dave says “all three of them”. Reminder: there are eight main characters on the show.
Dave peer pressures Steve.
Spain and Mexico are nowhere near each other, Steve. You’re thinking Latin America.
Steve doesn’t quite admit to liking Bollywood.
Because Dave and Steve are terrible with names, they end up referring to people based on their nationality.
Steve makes a dope Heroes reference.
Dave thinks the next season will take place entirely on a boat.
Dave and Steve have this habit of discussing all the characters in a show as a way of discussing the show itself.
Steve makes a dope Weezer reference.
Writing is never fun and sexy to watch.
Dave is racist against The Matrix Reloaded.
Dave suggests that Mexico is not a part of North America and then immediately corrects himself.
“Bug ex machina”, Steve? Really?
Dave makes an even worse joke than “bug ex machina”. Maybe.
Episode 21, ‘The spectrum of brooding’, Jessica Jones vs Daredevil
In this episode, Dave and Steven discuss the two latest Netflix/Marvel team-ups! It starts out sounding like a hatefest, and then ends sounding like a feminist-fest, but in the end it’s just another wonderful episode of The Style Guide.
Seriously though, Dave and Steven really do like Jessica Jones and Daredevil.